Things You Can Move With A Tug
Tugs for aircraft are a pilot’s or ground crew’s best friend. Depending on the size of the tug, anything from B767-300’s, to helicopters, to light aircraft can be easily towed into and out of airport hangers. When it comes to aircraft tugs, convenience, efficiency and safety are the name of the game. With that being said, other items besides aircraft can be towed, as well. Take, for example, the following:
Baggage Tugs
Smaller capacity baggage tractor units are part of ground-support equipment and those with a 30,000 lb towing capacity, for example, can tow small aircraft, of course, but they are, often, relegated to more mundane pursuits such as towing baggage carts, ground power-units, water-servicing carts etc. In spite of smaller-capacity baggage tractor units leading a lack-luster life, ground-crew personnel wouldn’t trade them for anything – these machines serve an invaluable purpose and do their part to ensure smaller and mammoth airports, around the world, function as seamlessly as possible, moving baggage and other cargo to make sure those items arrive, where they need to go.
Car Pushers
Ever have your vehicle stall? It’s an exasperating experience; and car pushers are a type tow machinery that can come to the rescue. Electric car pushers have ample power to push or pull stalled cars or other vehicles back into private garages, service centers and off of highways and onto shoulder areas.
Desperation can create desperate measures, and many car owners have resorted to allowing a second vehicle to bump up against their stalled vehicle in an attempt to move it. Unfortunately, this can result in predictable dents and scratches to both vehicles, involved!
With a light-weight, compact car pusher, stalled vehicles of all types can be easily moved to desired locales. Padded material embedded on the pusher is thoughtfully designed to preserve the integrity of the stalled vehicle and will, ultimately, attach firmly to the bottom of the car. Car pushers are designed to offer gentle, yet strong, movement guided by adjustable acceleration and braking functions as well as forward and reverse options. Flashing lights on many models address safety issues – a crucial amenity if a car is being moved at night. Any by the way, car pushers are the ideal movement solution for stalled vans, trucks, riding lawn-mowers, ATV’s and other recreational vehicles!
Motorized Trailer Movers
Trailer movers, also known as trailer dollies, are designed to move any type of trailer, imaginable – gone are the days of moving a trailer on your own and, possibly, wrenching your back, in the process. Features of motorized trailer movers include a ball hitch, throttle grip control, and absolute ease of use! Motorized trailer movers come with an electric transaxle or hydrostatic transmission as part of the throttle grip control system. With a twist of the throttle, you are the recipient of power! Even very small electric trailer movers can move trailers up to 3,500 pounds that are equipped with a ball receiver.
Do you have a heavy trailer that weighs up to 15,000 pounds? More robust trailer tugs – whether gas, manual, or automatic – can move heavier trailers with a ball receiver or pintle hitch. Absolute convenience and efficiency is realized since heavy-duty trailer movers allow the ball to raise or lower with the push of a button!
Dumpster Tugs
Dumpster tugs take moving dumpsters, of all sizes, to a whole new level. Whether you require a large or small dumpster to be moved from Point A to Point B, there are only two steps involved: 1) hook the tug to the dumpster and 2) pull or push the dumpster to the desired location – it is that easy! It is comparable to a child moving a toy wagon.
Even if a dumpster’s weight is almost 5,000 pounds, the tug would simply attach to the dumpster, via, the dumpsters bolt or weld-on attachment; and you are ready to go. Heavy-duty dumpster tugs utilize a powerful transmission with a differential which offers a tight-turning radius – 360 degrees – and precision control with ‘forward’ and ‘reverse’. Then, there are smaller dumpster tugs which accommodate lighter dumpsters; but regardless of the tug’s capacity, it just makes life a whole lot easier!
Tugs, regardless of their job description, serve to address the movement solution for everything from planes, to cargo, to trailers, to cars to dumpsters. Not only is safety enhanced with every tow, but the efficiency of tugs means you can spend saved time doing things you really enjoy!